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 weekly work report..........10/01/2023

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sschaer Posted - 10/01/2023 : 18:43:00
hello all....

work continued on the "horseshoe" part of the layout. well, not really horseshoe. at least not the track. but the landscape.
after letting the putty dry for a few days i planted a few trees, added small bushes and all that stuff.

i think it looks quite good. maybe a few more details. we'll see. in the meantime i continued stacking styrofoam, cutting it roughly in shape. once the glue is dry i will cut it into the final shape.

installing all the tunnel portals will be the step after shaping the landscape. usually this means quite a bit of work. trimming the portals, checking clearance of different rolling equipment, adding rock walls and such. takes easily 5-10 hours per tunnel portal. this part of the layout will feature another 8 tunnels. 2 are already in place, 6 more to go. so stay tuned !

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