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 Whats your DCC MFG of choice!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Steve Turner Posted - 04/28/2012 : 06:08:46
I am running two Zephyrs one as command other as booster!My choice of decoders is 90 percent TCS and 10 percent NCE. I use NCE for drop ins like proto SW units and Atlas S units.TCS i like there M series , small and great features.............i am as of late turning BEMF off as i dont like the motor buzz and sticking to dither!Steve
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CNCPVIA Posted - 01/03/2013 : 01:13:45
First, I had a LENZ system, but I was the only one having that... That means that I was not able to get support from other users.

I have removed the LENZ system and got the biggest DIGITRAX system that was available. Since then, many problems I have face and solved with the help of other Digitrax users who could helped me.

For the decoders, I only use TCS decoders even tought they are a bit more expensive. With their "goof proof" warranty, it is like a life span warranty.

I have some TSUNAMI (soundtraxx) decoders aswell as some MRCs... while they last! I am not a big fan of MRC sound decoders, but they are the easiest one to use in N scale. Simple drop-in and they are half the price of TSUNAMI ones, which require soldering.

As for the number of units I have converted to DCC, it is around 400 already!!
SD9043N Posted - 05/13/2012 : 05:06:49
digitrax superchief extra with wireless, pm42's for power districts, about 30 digitrax decoders and tortise slowe motion switch machines, will be adding one or two more boosters and 2 more pm42's as the layout gets built, not sure how many more switch machines i need, scared to count lol

trains let us dream big ina small space
sschaer Posted - 04/28/2012 : 08:40:01
approx 400 digitrax decoders, approx 30 tcs decoders, tam valley dcc turnout control, digitrax boosters, custom made wireless handheld controlers.

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