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 weekly work reports
 weekly work report..........10/29/2023

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sschaer Posted - 10/29/2023 : 16:31:14
hello all....

last weeks wwr is missing because i was out of country. spent a few days in dubai.

so any progress in the past two weeks ? yes indeed. first i painted two soo line u30c in two slightly different paintschemes. adding decoders, couplers, some programming and such. they're both ready for service now. unfortunately no pics of the finished units. anyways, spot the differences....

while working on the horseshoe area i ran out of trees. running out of stuff is probably my most developed skill. running out of track, trees, money, patience ...

here's an image of the unfinished scene :

today i upgraded a few trees which have been rescued from my former layout.

first few have been planted while still wet. also this part of the track has been balasted today.

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