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 What's on your workbench ?
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165 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2011 :  18:00:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
currently working on a lift up section on my layout that lets me move both levels up out of the way in the hallway when the railroad is not in use, started it yesterday and so far its going as planned, ill post pics soon

trains let us dream big ina small space


165 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2011 :  18:14:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
heres a few pictures of the lift out section, i would have taken more but my camera batteries died

trains let us dream big ina small space
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933 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2011 :  12:52:26  Show Profile  Visit sschaer's Homepage  Reply with Quote
interesting. i need to build two liftout sections for my layout as well. how did you solve the problem of proper track alignment ?
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165 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2011 :  17:09:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
built mine as a lift up with sliding door hinges, cant really see them in the picture, its more or less built now ill post a few pictures of the finished product soon, just got to lay the track

track alignment should be pretty good once everything is secure, the whole thing lifts up to the ceiling and you can walk under the lower lvl without ducking to much at all

pictures to follow

trains let us dream big ina small space
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165 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2011 :  04:08:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
finally found the time to take some more pictures of the lift up section of my layout across the hall between rooms, set soem locomotives and cars on the lvls to give a feel for the size and how it will look when done

it lifts right to the ceiling when not in use for easier access to the bathroom, still have soem work to do on it and then track and wiring will follow but its coming along
its built using 2 cabinet drawer sliders about 22 inches long and then i screwed the sliders to 1 by 3 boards and added the small supports then the benchwork, cork then track and it will be more or less done, also going to add a small backdrop as it will sorta be part of the operating layout when its done.


trains let us dream big ina small space
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272 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2011 :  08:54:00  Show Profile  Visit CNCPVIA's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Now that is an impressive project to have such a lift up section!

With these kind of sliding tracks for drawers, it should be perfect and solid enough to!

Good thinking, good work!
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13 Posts

Posted - 07/30/2012 :  07:36:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sure hope you don't get to a point that necessity has the tracks down and you can't bend over fast enough :-)

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