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Posted - 02/11/2012 :  09:31:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all, im new on the forum. Thought i would let you see something i am working on.
I always wanted to have a go at weathering but did not know how, so after watching a few videos on You Tube i thought i would take the bull by the horns and have a go.
I started with a Bachmann Box car i got off E-Bay for £5.51. At least if i screw it up i wont be out a fortune.

Next i needed something to work from, i searched through the web and eventually found a photo i was happy with. My model is loosely based on this.

Ok, time to bear all. After about 4 hours of work i ended up with this.

I was going for the "unloved" look.

Ok that was side A, now for side B.

That's it,
Graffiti didn't turn out as well as i would have liked but that's part of the learning process!!
Any comments ? Too much weathering ? Too mucky?

In N.Ireland.


272 Posts

Posted - 02/13/2012 :  18:39:29  Show Profile  Visit CNCPVIA's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Bonjour Noel!

Too much is not enough!!

I really like the weathering you have done on this car.
Keep practicing, your techniques will improve and you will keep getting better and better.

The picture you have used as your base model is quite a rare find!
This paint scheme was done in 1969, so to be able to find a car with these colors today is very rare.
Even the graffitis, you wouldn't see them too often before the 90's.
Before these big "pogs or tags" the graffitis that you would see would have been a heart with lovers names...

Keep up with the good work...
And welcome to this forum to!
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933 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2012 :  17:05:39  Show Profile  Visit sschaer's Homepage  Reply with Quote
excellent weathering ! looks really good !

keep on posting pics of your work.

oh, and welcome to the forum !
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165 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2012 :  04:02:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
looks good, never enough for a older car thats seen alot of service

welcome to the forum

trains let us dream big ina small space
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29 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2012 :  01:35:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The weathering on the car is great! I like the rust and how it looks.
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19 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  21:13:37  Show Profile  Visit cv_acr's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CNCPVIA

Bonjour Noel!

Too much is not enough!!

Too much is definitely too much. Subtle is better.

The large areas of surface rust are very heavy, and somewhat random looking. Rust that heavy would really only be forming where the paint has failed completely and peeled off, and something that extensive would really only be seen on something that's been shoved off the rails into the weeds and left to rot.

If you look closely at the real photo, the car is actually very clean for still being in 40 year old original paint. The only surface rust showing through is on the white parts of the script lettering and the pine tree herald. The slightly more rusty strip along the top of the car is where the car has been cut and sliced back together to increase the internal height by about a foot. Apart from some normal paint fading, road grime and some rust and grime washing down off the roof, this car is actually pretty clean considering the age of the paint.

Chris van der Heide
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