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 Kato GP38-2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GP38-2freak Posted - 04/26/2012 : 21:40:19
On my workbench...one Atlas/Kato SD-9 and more important, a Kato made GP38-2 which should be painted from CSX blue & gray in CP Rails "beaver" scheme...
Okay, the newer Atlas GP38-2 looks finer and has more details but, as my nickname shows, I like the GP38-2 and have 17 Kato GP38-2's (some stored with broken motors or other mechanical failures), paying never more than 20-35$...photos of the newest addition will follow...


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sschaer Posted - 05/08/2012 : 13:46:19
my experiences with isopropanol or 98% alcohol are actually not too good. makes kato shells very brittle. i broke a few f40ph shells. since then i use scalecoat wash-away. soak the shell and immediately start rubbing off the paint. might take two rounds. rinse the shell with water once you're finished.
GP38-2freak Posted - 05/07/2012 : 21:55:26
stripping with isopropanol as I have no one here who'd sandblast them for me

sschaer Posted - 04/26/2012 : 22:12:43
are you stripping the units or sandblasting them ?

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