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 GE ES44AC “GEVO” Canadian Pacific Version Details:
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Posted - 12/30/2011 :  13:10:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
GE ES44AC “GEVO” Canadian Pacific Version Details

After looking at my 2 Kato N scale GE ES44AC “GEVO” CP #8705 & 8718 and pictures of the real thing I was pleasantly surprised at how (out of the box) accurate these models are!
The Kato model is based on the 2005 CP version (road numbers 8705 & 8718 also match this date).
The only thing I’m not sure about is the horn.
I decided to compile info about the GE ES44AC Canadian Pacific version.
All info/pictures was/were found at (what a great site!) -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/

Paint Schemes:
2005 -> 8700 to 8759 -> Canadian Pacific with Solid White Safety Stripes
2006(1) -> 8760 to 8799 -> Canadian Pacific with Solid White Safety Stripes
2006(2) -> 8800 to 8824 -> Canadian Pacific with Solid White Safety Stripes
2006(3) -> 8825 to 8839 -> Canadian Pacific with Solid White Safety Stripes
2007 -> 8840 to 8859 -> Canadian Pacific with Solid White Safety Stripes
2008 -> 8860 to 8899 -> Canadian Pacific with Solid White Safety Stripes
2011(1) -> 8900 to 8907 -> Canadian Pacific with Solid White Safety Stripes
2011(2) -> 8908 to 8960 -> Canadian Pacific with Dashed White Safety Stripes
8860 to 8877 were painted in the CPR Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010 paint scheme with
“Canadien Pacifique” on left hood and “Canadian Pacific” on right hood.

2005 -> Self Steering Trucks -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Self%20Steering%20Trucks.jpg
2006(1/2/3) to 2011 -> Hi-Ad Trucks -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/High%20Adhesion%20Trucks.jpg

Left Hood Grab Irons:
Grab Irons running up the left side of the hood (over the “D” and “IC”) seem to be used only on the 2005 version.
2005 -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208709-2.jpg
2006(1) -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208797-1.jpg

Winterization Hatch?
The winterization hatch seems to be used on the 2006(1/2/3) to 2007 models.
2006(1/2/3) to 2007 -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208816.htm

2005 -> 8700 to 8759
Cab -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208708-3.jpg
Left -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208704-2.jpg
Right -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208707-2.jpg
Rear -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208722-2.jpg
First of the Canadian Pacific GE ES44AC.

2006(1) -> 8760 to 8799
Cab -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208779.htm
Left -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208788-2.jpg
Right -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208779-3.jpg
Rear -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208700B/CP%208768.htm
Notes, compared to 2005:
Changes in left hood rear grill details.

2006(2) -> 8800 to 8824
Cab -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208801.htm
Left -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208823.htm
Right -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208801-3.jpg
Rear / Top -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208816.htm
Notes, compared to 2006(1):
Same as 2006(1)

2006(3) -> 8825 to 8839
Cab -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208825.htm
Left -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208826.htm
Right / Rear -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208827-2.jpg
Notes, compared to 2006(2):
Changes in left and right hood rear grills.

2007 -> 8840 to 8859
Cab / Left -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208841.htm
Right -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208845.htm
Rear -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208859-2.jpg
Notes, compared to 2006(3):
Changes in left and right hood rear grills.
Changes in dynamic braking vents position.

2008 -> 8860 to 8899
Cab -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208890-1.jpg
Left -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208875-1.jpg
Right -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208863-3.jpg
Rear -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208800B/CP%208865-3.jpg
Notes, compared to 2007:
Changes in right hood rear grills.

2011(1/2) -> 8900 to 8960
Cab -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208900B/CP%208922.htm
Left -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208900B/CP%208938.htm
Right -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208900B/CP%208903-2.jpg
Rear -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%208900B/CP%208907-2.jpg
Notes, compared to 2008:
Changes in cab details: side windows, position of numberboards, door and grab irons.
Change of rear light to horizontal duo rear light.
Changes in left and right hood rear grills.
Changes in dynamic braking vents position.

Born and lived in Ont. Canada


924 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2012 :  13:19:31  Show Profile  Visit sschaer's Homepage  Reply with Quote
hmm.....so my kato gevos 8700-8732 are really close to the prototype ?
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Posted - 01/03/2012 :  00:24:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would seem that way.
Kato did such a great job that I ordered 2 more of them.
There are of course a few discrepancies but this I think has to do more with the small scale of things:

* The size of the front and rear lights seem to large (sorry Sandro but FVM seems to have gotten this better).
* The position of the locomotive lifting hooks?/ positions are off a bit and thus some of the stanchions and thus also the position / middle of the trucks, without this the model would probably not work on many N-scale layouts because of the radius of some N-Scale curves (the trucks would hit the steps).
* And I'm not sure about the horn,I need to find better pictures.

Born and lived in Ont. Canada

Edited by - DrifterNL on 01/03/2012 01:01:16
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Posted - 01/03/2012 :  08:50:30  Show Profile  Visit sschaer's Homepage  Reply with Quote
i have to admit that fvm has more details on their shells.

but still :
- shells are glued together
- drives are junk

i run a coal train with the following setup :
1 kato es44ac in front, 50 heavy lbf coal hoppers, another es44ac, followed by another 30 heavy coal hoppers.

i can't even run this train with 3 fvm es44ac.

if i say heavy coal hoppers i'm talking about 44gramms each.
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Posted - 01/30/2013 :  20:06:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
2011(1/2) Notes (continued from post #1):
Ditch-lights or previsions for ditch-lights added to rear.

Paint Scheme:
2012 -> 9350 to 9379 -> Canadian Pacific with Dashed White Safety Stripes

2012 -> Hi-Ad Trucks -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/High%20Adhesion%20Trucks.jpg

2012 -> 9350 to 9379
Cab -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%209300/CP%209375.htm
Left -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%209300/CP%209377-2.jpg
Right -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%209300/CP%209361.htm
Rear -> http://www.cprdieselroster.com/Roster%20Archive/CP%209300/CP%209369-2.jpg
Notes, compared to 2011:
Same as 2011 except all seem to have rear ditch-lights.

Born and lived in Ont. Canada

Edited by - DrifterNL on 01/30/2013 20:09:02
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