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 Seton Lake derailment (BCR MLW M630)
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Posted - 04/28/2019 :  14:17:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Seton Lake derailment

One tragic accident on Seton Lake (BC) happened on the night of February 29, 1980, when a southbound freight led by MLW M630 #711 and Alco C425 #808 hit a landslide and plunged into the water at Mile 154.4, just south of Lillooet. The track patrolman, who travelled a mile ahead of the train on a speeder, noticed that the headlight of the train had disappeared behind him. Backing up, he found a rockslide had come down between him and the freight, but the locomotives had vanished in the lake. He found the engineer alive, still in the water, but the brakeman was never found.

On May 15, 1981, crews lifted #808 out of the lake and moved it to Squamish where shop forces rebuilt it and returned it to service in January 1982 as #800. After several unsuccessful salvage attempts, crews abandoned efforts to retrieve #711. It simply was no longer financially sound to continue – costs of retrieval were exceeding value. Years later, on October 3, 1988, enterprising salvagers from Lillooet brought the 711 back to the surface and after it sat on the beach for some time, sold it for scrap in 1990.

The next 3 photos are from Brian Elchlepp

On the way for scrap (photo by Doug Tiley)

And here my N-Scale version of the remains of the Seton Lake derailment.

An single MLW/BCR RS-18c (Briggs Model) pulls a string of flat cars with the remains of MLW M630 #711


Edited by - suremann on 04/28/2019 17:43:42


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Posted - 04/28/2019 :  23:37:09  Show Profile  Visit trainboySD40's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Marvelous modeling! It's good enough to make me feel pain. Perfect!
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